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Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 10, 2018

Computer Learning Full Course Free With Apply In English.||Part 2.

Computer Learning Full Course Free With Apply In English.||Part 2.Computer system  The system is a joint effort of several integrated components that work for some common purposes. Components of computer systems as follows: -  Hardware, Software, Humanware or user, Information or information.   Hardware  All the machines, parts and devices in the computer's outer shape are called hardware. Computer hardware can be initially divided into three groups.  * Input Tools: 1. Keyboard, 2 mouse, 3 disc, 4 scanner, 5 card reader, 6. Digital camera etc.  * System unit: 1. Hard disk, 2 motherboard, 3 AGP card 4. Ram etc.  * Output Tools: 1. Monitor, 2 Printer, 3 Disc, 4 Speaker 5. Projector 6. Headphones etc.   Software  To solve the problem or to perform tasks, a series of computers is constantly called the program. The program or program set is hardware efficient and hardware and hardware related hardware that makes expert skills expertise. Computer software can be divided into two main sections.  * System software: Computer software works on various computer computers and helps keep the computer power to run the actual program. Application software: A program is called application software that is used to solve problem problems or to process data issues. Various issues such as commercial issues, which are usually called package programs, are available to solve the real problem. Humanware or user edit People are called people related to data collection, data protection or testing, computer program composition, recording systems and storage, software and hardware etc.   Information / Information  The smallest unit of information information or information raw information is usually not sorted by two types of information -  (A) Numerical information or numerical information. For example, 25,100,456 and so on. (B) Non-numerical information, for example, name, profession, race or picture, human word and date, country etc.   Operating system  The operating system is a software that controls the execution of computer programs and performs schedules, debugging, input / output control, accounting, compilation, storage assignment, data management and related operations. Currently, the most widely used operating systems are: DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, UNIX, Ubuntu, Mint (Operating System), Mandriva, Debian, Fedora, Mac OSX, Windows XP, Windows Vista.etc.    apply  There are plenty of computer usage. | It is unique in many fields of business, scientific, etc., it comes with a unique revolution. It is a unique partner in medical and human welfare. Almost all computers will be able to make a sound.  Use Geogebra Computer:  GIS Computer: The computer is used for GIS technology. In this technology, various data is added to the map with the help of a computer. 2. Using computer access to education: Using multimedia technology, there is a computer in class for education. Microsoft Excel also publishing results.

Computer system

The system is a joint effort of several integrated components that work for some
common purposes. Components of computer systems as follows: -

Humanware or user,
Information or information.


All the machines, parts and devices in the computer's outer shape are called hardware. Computer hardware can be initially divided into three groups.

* Input Tools:
1. Keyboard, 2 mouse, 3 disc, 4 scanner, 5 card reader, 6. Digital camera etc.

* System unit:
1. Hard disk, 2 motherboard, 3 AGP card 4. Ram etc.

* Output Tools:
1. Monitor, 2 Printer, 3 Disc, 4 Speaker 5. Projector 6. Headphones etc.


To solve the problem or to perform tasks, a series of computers is constantly called the program. The program or program set is hardware efficient and hardware and hardware related hardware that makes expert skills expertise. Computer software can be divided into two main sections.

* System software: Computer software works on various computer computers and helps keep the computer power to run the actual program.
Application software: A program is called application software that is used to solve problem problems or to process data issues. Various issues such as commercial issues, which are usually called package programs, are available to solve the real problem.
Humanware or user edit
People are called people related to data collection, data protection or testing, computer program composition, recording systems and storage, software and hardware etc.

Information / Information

The smallest unit of information information or information raw information is usually not sorted by two types of information -

(A) Numerical information or numerical information. For example, 25,100,456 and so on. (B) Non-numerical information, for example, name, profession, race or picture, human word and date, country etc.

Operating system

The operating system is a software that controls the execution of computer programs and performs schedules, debugging, input / output control, accounting, compilation, storage assignment, data management and related operations. Currently, the most widely used operating systems are: DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, UNIX, Ubuntu, Mint (Operating System), Mandriva, Debian, Fedora, Mac OSX, Windows XP, Windows Vista.etc.


There are plenty of computer usage. | It is unique in many fields of business, scientific, etc., it comes with a unique revolution. It is a unique partner in medical and human welfare. Almost all computers will be able to make a sound.

Use Geogebra Computer:

GIS Computer:
The computer is used for GIS technology. In this technology, various data is added to the map with the help of a computer.
2. Using computer access to education: Using multimedia technology, there is a computer in class for education. Microsoft Excel also publishing results.

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